Monday, April 27, 2009

Exercise 1

1. How the processor uses the address bus, the data bus, and the control bus to communicate with the system memory?

2. Which of the following are unidirectional and which are bidirectional?

a. Address Bus

b. Data Bus

c. Control Bus

3. What are registers and what are the specific features of the accumulator, index registers, program counter, and program status word?
4. What is the size of the accumulator of a 64bit processor?

5. What is the difference between an instruction mnemonic and its opcode?
6. How are instructions classified into groups?

7. A combination of 8bits is called a byte. What is the name for 4bits and for 16bits?

8. What is the maximum memory 8088 can access?

9. List down the 14 registers of the 8088 architecture and briefly describe their uses.

10. What flags are defined in the 8088 FLAGS register? Describe the function of the zero flag, the carry flag, the sign flag, and the overflow flag.
11. Give the value of the zero flag, the carry flag, the sign flag, and the overflow flag after each of the following instructions if AX is initialized with 0x1254 and BX is initialized with 0x0FFF.
a. add ax, 0xEDAB

b. add ax, bx
c. add bx, 0xF001

12. What is the difference between little endian and big endian formats? Which format is used by the Intel 8088 microprocessor?

13. For each of the following words identify the byte that is stored at lower memory address and the byte that is stored at higher memory address in a little endi an computer.
a. 1234

c. B100

d. B800

14. What are the contents of memory locations 200, 201, 202, and 203 if the word 1234 is stored at offset 200 and the word 5678 is stored at offset 202?

15. What is the offset at which the first exeutable instruction of a COM file must be placed?
16. Why was segmentation originally introduced in 8088 architecture?

17. Why a segment start cannot start from the physical address 55555.

18. Calculate the physical memory address generated by the following segment offset pairs.
a. 1DDD:0436

b. 1234:7920

c. 74F0:2123

d. 0000:6727
e. FFFF:4336

f. 1080:0100

g. AB01:FFFF

19. What are the first and the last physical memory addresses accessible using the following segment values?
a. 1000

b. 0FFF

c. 1002

d. 0001
e. E000

20. Write instructions that perform the following operations.

a. Copy BL into CL

b. Copy DX into AX

c. Store 0x12 into AL

d. Store 0x1234 into AX
e. Store 0xFFFF into AX

21. Write a program in assembly language that calculates the square of six by adding six to the accumulator six times.



In earlier processors like 8080 and 8085 the linear memory model was used to access memory. In linear memory model the whole memory appears like a single array of data. 8080 and 8085 could access a total memory of 64K using the 16 lines of their address bus. When designing iAPX88 the Intel designers wanted to remain compatible with 8080 and 8085 however 64K was too small to continue with, for their new processor. To get the best of both worlds they introduced the segmented memory model in 8088.

There is also a logical argument in favor of a segmented memory model in additional to the issue of compatibility discussed above. We have two logical parts of our program, the code and the data, and actually there is a third part called the program stack as well, but higher level languages make this invisible to us. These three logical parts of a program should appear as three distinct units in memory, but making this division is not possible in the linear memory model. The segmented memory model does allow this distinction.


The segmented memory model allows multiple functional windows into the main memory, a code window, a data window etc. The processor sees code from the code window and data from the data window. The size of one window is restricted to 64K. 8085 software fits in just one such window. It sees code, data, and stack from this one window, so downward compatibility is attained.

However the maximum memory iAPX88 can access is 1MB which can be accessed with 20 bits. Compare this with the 64K of 8085 that were accessed using 16 bits. The idea is that the 64K window just discussed can be moved anywhere in the whole 1MB. The four segment registers discussed in the Intel register architecture are used for this purpose. Therefore four windows can exist at one time. For example one window that is pointed to by the CS register contains the currently executing code.

To understand the concept, consider the windows of a building. We say that a particular window is 3 feet above the floor and another one is 20 feet above the floor. The reference point, the floor is the base of the segment called the datum point in a graph and all measurement is done from that datum point considering it to be zero. So CS holds the zero or the base of code. DS holds the zero of data. Or we can say CS tells how high code from the floor is, and DS tells how high data from the floor is, while SS tells how high the stack is. One extra segment ES can be used if we need to access two distant areas of memory at the same time that both cannot be seen through the same window. ES also has special role in string instructions. ES is used as an extra data segment and cannot be used as an extra code or stack segment.

Revisiting the conce pt again, like the datum point of a graph, the segment registers tell the start of our window which can be opened anywhere in the megabyte of memory available. The window is of a fixed size of 64KB. Base and offset are the two key variables in a segmented address. Segment tells the base while offset is added into it. The registers IP, SP, BP, SI, DI, and BX all can contain a 16bit offset in them and access memory relative to a segment base.

The IP register cannot work alone. It needs the CS register to ope n a 64K window in the 1MB memory and then IP works to select code from this window as offsets. IP works only inside this window and cannot go outside of this 64K in any case. If the window is moved i.e. the CS register is changed, IP will change its behavi or accordingly and start selecting from the new window. The IP register always works relatively, relative to the segment base stored in the CS register. IP is a 16bit register capable of accessing only 64K memory so how the whole megabyte can contain code anywhere. Again the same concept is there, it can access 64K at one instance of time. As the base is changed using the CS register, IP can be made to point anywhere is the whole megabyte. The process is illustrated with the following diagram.

Physical Address Calculation

Now for the whole megabyte we need 20 bits while CS and IP are both 16bit registers. We need a mechanism to make a 20bit number out of the two 16bit numbers. Consider that the segment value is stored as a 20 bi t number with the lower four bits zero and the offset value is stored as another 20 bit number with the upper four bits zeroed. The two are added to produce a 20bit absolute address. A carry if generated is dropped without being stored anywhere and the phenomenon is called address wraparound. The process is explained with the help of the following diagram.


15---------------------------- 0
Segment Address
16bit Segment Register 0000
15 0

0000 16bit Logical Address Offset Address


19 0

20bit Physical Address

Therefore memory is determined by a segment-offset pair and not alone by any one register which will be an ambiguous reference. Every offset register is assigned a default segment register to resolve such ambiguity. For example the program we wrote when loaded into memory had a value of 0100 in IP register and some value say 1DDD in the CS register. Making both 20 bit numbers, the segment base is 1DDD0 and the offset is 00100 and adding them we get the physical memory address of 1DED0 where the opcode B80500 is placed.

Paragraph Boundaries

As the segment value is a 16bit number and four zero bits are appended to the right to make it a 20bit number, segments can only be defined a 16byte boundaries called paragraph boundaries. The first possible segment value is 0000 meaning a physical base of 00000 and the next possible value of 0001 means a segment base of 00010 or 16 in decimal. Therefore segments can only be defined at 16 byte boundaries.

Overlapping Segments

We can also observe that in the case of our program CS, DS, SS, and ES all had the same value in them. This is called overlapping segments so that we can see the same memory from any window. This is the structure of a COM file.

Using partially overlapping segments we can produce a number of segment, offset pairs that all access the same memory. For example 1DDD:0100 and IDED:0000 both point to the same physical memory. To test this we can open a data window at 1DED:0000 in the debugger and change the first three bytes to “90” which is the opcode for NOP (no operation). The change is immediately visible in the code window which is pointed to by CS containing 1DDD. Similarly IDCD:0200 also points to the same memory location. Consider this like a portion of wall that three different people on three different floors are seeing through their own windows. One of them painted the wall red; it will be changed for all of them though their perspective is different. It is the same phenomenon occurring here.

The segment, offset pair is called a logical address, while the 20bit address is a physical address which is the real thing. Logical addressing is a mechanism to access the physical memory. As we have seen three different logical addresses accessed the same physical address.

Assembler, Linker, and Debugger

We need an assembler to assemble this program and convert this into executable binary code. The assembler that we will use during this course is “Netwide Assembler” or NASM. It is a free and open source assembler. And the tool that will be most used will be the debugger. We will use a free debugger called “A fullscreen debugger” or AFD. These are the whole set of weapons an assembly language programmer needs for any task whatsoever at hand.

To assemble we will give the following command to the processor assuming that our input file is named EX01.ASM.

nasm ex01.asm –o –l ex01.lst

This will produce two files EX01.COM that is our executable file and EX01.LST that is a special listi ng file that we will explore now. The listing file produced for our example above is shown below with comments removed for neatness.

2 [org 0x0100]
3 00000000 B80500 mov ax, 5
4 00000003 BB0A00 mov bx, 10
5 00000006 01D8 add ax, bx
6 00000008 BB0F00 mov bx, 15
7 0000000B 01D8 add ax, bx
9 0000000D B8004C mov ax, 0x4c00
10 00000010 CD21 int 0x21

The first column in the above listing is offset of the listed instruction in the output file. Next column is the opcode into which our instruction was translated. In this case this opcode is B8. Whenever we move a constant into AX register the opcode B8 will be used. After it 0500 is appended which is the immediate operand to this instruction. An immediate operand is an operand which is placed directly inside the instruction. Now as the AX register is a word sized register, and one hexadecimal digit takes 4 bits so 4 hexadecimal digits make one word or two bytes. Which of the two bytes should be placed first in the instruction, the least significant or the most significant? Similarly for 32bit numbers either the orde r can be most significant, less significant, lesser significant, and least significant called the big-endian order used by Motorola and some other companies or it can be least significant, more significant, more significant, and most significant called the little -endian order and is used by Intel. The big-endian have the argument that it is more natural to read and comprehend while the little - endian have the argument that this scheme places the less significant value at a lesser address and more significant value at a higher address.

Because of this the constant 5 in our instruction was converted into 0500 with the least significant byte of 05 first and the most significant byte of 00 afterwards. When read as a word it is 0005 but when written in memory it will become 0500. As the first instruction is three bytes long, the listing file shows that the offset of the next instruction in the file is 3. The opcode BB is for moving a constant into the BX register, and the operand 0A00 is the number 10 in little -endian byte order. Similarly the offsets and opcodes of the remaining instructions are shown in order. The last instruction is placed at offset 0x10 or 16 in decimal. The size of the last instruction is two bytes, so the file of the complete COM file becomes 18 bytes. This can be verified from the directly listing that the COM file produced is exactly 18 bytes long.

Now the program is ready to be run inside the debugger. The debugger shows the values of registers, flags, stack, our code, and one or two areas of the system memory as data. Debugger allows us to step our program one instruction at a time and observe its effect on the registers and program data. The details of using the AFD debugger can be seen from the AFD manual.

After loading the program in the debugger observe that the first instruction is now at 0100 instead of absolute zero. This is the effect of the org directive at the start of our program. The first instruction of a COM file must be at offset 0100 (decimal 255) as a requirement. Also observe that the debugger isshowing your program even though it was provided only the COM file and neither of the listing file or the program source. This is because the translation from mnemonic to opcode is reversible and the debugger mapped back from the opcode to the instruction mnemonic. This will become apparent for instructions that have two mnemonics as the debugger might not show the one that was written in the source file.

As a result of program execution either registers or memory will change. Since our program yet doesn’t touch memory the only changes will be in the registers. Keenly observe the registers AX, BX, and IP change after every instruction. IP will change after every instruction to point to the next instruction while AX will accumulate the result of our addition.


Example 1.1

001 ; a program to add three numbers using registers
002 [org 0x0100]
003 mov ax, 5 ; load first number in ax
004 mov bx, 10 ; load second number in bx
005 add ax, bx ; accumulate sum in ax
006 mov bx, 15 ; load third number in bx
007 add ax, bx ; accumulate sum in ax
009 mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
010 int 0x21

1 To start a comment a semicolon is used and the assembler ignores everything else on the same line. Comments must be extensively used in assembly language programs to make them readable.

002 Leave the org directive for now as it will be discussed later.

003 The constant 5 is loaded in one register AX.

The constant 10 is loaded in another register BX.

5 Register BX is again added to register AX now producing 15+15=30 in the AX register. So the program has computed 5+10+15=30

006 The constant 15 is loade d in the register BX.

7 Register BX is added to register AX and the result is stored in register AX. Register AX should contain 15 by now.

8 Vertical spacing must also be used extensively in assembly language programs to separate logical blocks of code.

009-010 The ending lines are related more to the operating system than to
assembly language programming. It is a way to inform DOS that our
program has terminated so it can display its command prompt
again. The computer may reboot or behave improperly if this
termination is not present.

Assembly Language Version

Assembly Language Version

Intel could have made their assembly language exactly identical to our program in plain English but they have abbreviated a lot of symbols to avoid unnecessarily lengthy program when the meaning could be conveyed with less effort. For example Intel has named their move instruction “mov” instead of “move.” Similarly the Intel order of placing source and destination is opposite to what we have used in our English program, just a change of interpretation. So the Intel way of writing things is:

operation destination, source operation destination operation source

The later three variations are for instructions that have one or both of their operands implied or they work on a single or no operand. An implied operand means that it is always in a particular register say the accumulator, and it need not be mentioned in the instruction. Now we attempt to write our program in actual assembly language of the iapx88.


The first program that we will write will only add three numbers. This very simple program will clarify most of the basic concepts of assembly language. We will start with writing our algorithm in English and then moving on to convert it into assembly language.

English Language Version

“Program is an ordered set of instructions for the processor.” Our first program will be instructions manipulating AX and BX in plain English.

move 5 to ax move 10 to bx add bx to ax move 15 to bx add bx to ax

Even in this simple reflection of thoughts in English, there are some key things to observe. One is the concept of destination as every instruction has a “to destination” part and there is a source before it as well. For example the second line has a constant 10 as its source and the register BX as its destination. The key point in giving the first program in English is to convey that the concepts of assembly language are simple but fine. Try to understand them considering that all above is everyday English that you know very well and every concept will eventually be applicable to assembly language.

General Registers (AX, BX, CX, and DX)

The registers AX, BX, CX, and DX behave as general purpose registers in Intel architecture and do some specific functions in addition to it. X in their names stand for extended meaning 16bit registers. For example AX means we are referring to the extended 16bit “A” register. Its upper and lower byte are separately accessible as AH (A high byte) and AL (A low byte). All general purpose registers can be accessed as one 16bit register or as two 8bit registers. The two registers AH and AL are part of the big whole AX. Any change in AH or AL is reflected in AX as well. AX is a composite or extended register formed by gluing together the two parts AH and AL.

The A of AX stands for Accumulator. Even though all general purpose registers can act as accumulator in most instructions there are some specific variations which can only work on AX which is why it is named the accumulator. The B of BX stands for Base because of its role in memory addressing as discussed in the next chapter. The C of CX stands for Counter as there are certain instructions that work with an automatic count in the CX register. The D of DX stands for Destination as it acts as the destination in I/O operations. The A, B, C, and D are in letter sequence as well as depict some special functionality of the register.

Index Registers (SI and DI)

SI and DI stand for source index and destination index respectively. These are the index registers of the Intel architecture which hold address of data and used in memory access. Being an open and flexible architecture, Intel allows many mathematical and logical operations on these registers as well like the general registers. The source and destination are named because of their implied functionality as the source or the destination in a special class of instructions called the string instructions. However their use is not at all restricted to string instructions. SI and DI are 16bit and cannot be used as 8bit register pairs like AX, BX, CX, and DX.

Instruction Pointer (IP)

This is the special register containing the address of the next instruction to be executed. No mathematics or memory access can be done through this register. It is out of our direct control and is automatically used. Playing with it is dangerous and needs special care. Program control instructions change the IP register implicitly.

Stack Pointer (SP)

It is a memory pointer and is used indirectly by a set of instructions. This register will be explored in the discussion of the system stack.

Base Pointer (BP)

It is also a memory pointer containing the address in a special area of memory called the stack and will be explored alongside SP in the discussion of the stack.

Flags Register

The flags register as previously discussed is not meaningful as a unit rather it is bit wise significant and accordingly each bit is named separately. The bits not named are unused. The Intel FLAGS register has its bits organized as follows:

Segment Registers (CS, DS, SS, and ES)

The code segment register, data segment register, stack segment register, and the extra segment register are special registers related to the Intel segmented memory model and will be discussed later.