Monday, April 27, 2009

Assembler, Linker, and Debugger

We need an assembler to assemble this program and convert this into executable binary code. The assembler that we will use during this course is “Netwide Assembler” or NASM. It is a free and open source assembler. And the tool that will be most used will be the debugger. We will use a free debugger called “A fullscreen debugger” or AFD. These are the whole set of weapons an assembly language programmer needs for any task whatsoever at hand.

To assemble we will give the following command to the processor assuming that our input file is named EX01.ASM.

nasm ex01.asm –o –l ex01.lst

This will produce two files EX01.COM that is our executable file and EX01.LST that is a special listi ng file that we will explore now. The listing file produced for our example above is shown below with comments removed for neatness.

2 [org 0x0100]
3 00000000 B80500 mov ax, 5
4 00000003 BB0A00 mov bx, 10
5 00000006 01D8 add ax, bx
6 00000008 BB0F00 mov bx, 15
7 0000000B 01D8 add ax, bx
9 0000000D B8004C mov ax, 0x4c00
10 00000010 CD21 int 0x21

The first column in the above listing is offset of the listed instruction in the output file. Next column is the opcode into which our instruction was translated. In this case this opcode is B8. Whenever we move a constant into AX register the opcode B8 will be used. After it 0500 is appended which is the immediate operand to this instruction. An immediate operand is an operand which is placed directly inside the instruction. Now as the AX register is a word sized register, and one hexadecimal digit takes 4 bits so 4 hexadecimal digits make one word or two bytes. Which of the two bytes should be placed first in the instruction, the least significant or the most significant? Similarly for 32bit numbers either the orde r can be most significant, less significant, lesser significant, and least significant called the big-endian order used by Motorola and some other companies or it can be least significant, more significant, more significant, and most significant called the little -endian order and is used by Intel. The big-endian have the argument that it is more natural to read and comprehend while the little - endian have the argument that this scheme places the less significant value at a lesser address and more significant value at a higher address.

Because of this the constant 5 in our instruction was converted into 0500 with the least significant byte of 05 first and the most significant byte of 00 afterwards. When read as a word it is 0005 but when written in memory it will become 0500. As the first instruction is three bytes long, the listing file shows that the offset of the next instruction in the file is 3. The opcode BB is for moving a constant into the BX register, and the operand 0A00 is the number 10 in little -endian byte order. Similarly the offsets and opcodes of the remaining instructions are shown in order. The last instruction is placed at offset 0x10 or 16 in decimal. The size of the last instruction is two bytes, so the file of the complete COM file becomes 18 bytes. This can be verified from the directly listing that the COM file produced is exactly 18 bytes long.

Now the program is ready to be run inside the debugger. The debugger shows the values of registers, flags, stack, our code, and one or two areas of the system memory as data. Debugger allows us to step our program one instruction at a time and observe its effect on the registers and program data. The details of using the AFD debugger can be seen from the AFD manual.

After loading the program in the debugger observe that the first instruction is now at 0100 instead of absolute zero. This is the effect of the org directive at the start of our program. The first instruction of a COM file must be at offset 0100 (decimal 255) as a requirement. Also observe that the debugger isshowing your program even though it was provided only the COM file and neither of the listing file or the program source. This is because the translation from mnemonic to opcode is reversible and the debugger mapped back from the opcode to the instruction mnemonic. This will become apparent for instructions that have two mnemonics as the debugger might not show the one that was written in the source file.

As a result of program execution either registers or memory will change. Since our program yet doesn’t touch memory the only changes will be in the registers. Keenly observe the registers AX, BX, and IP change after every instruction. IP will change after every instruction to point to the next instruction while AX will accumulate the result of our addition.